Monday, December 1, 2008

More on the Food Drive via Multco Dems

You've probably seen the reports: Local food pantry stocks are running low and need is at an all time high. Food requests and lines to obtain staples have dramatically increased nationwide. At a family owned Colorado farm, an announcement that neighbors could come and get unharvested vegetables turned into a 40,000 person event.

In Oregon, we have achieved the sad distinction of becoming number 3 on the list of states where citizens are most affected by hunger and food insecurity.

The Multnomah County Democrats, in conjunction with the Democratic Party of Oregon and County Parties statewide, ask you to help address this critical problem. And unlike the economy itself, this is something upon which we can have an immediate, positive impact.

Please donate generously to local food banks. A variety of donation options are available:

1. Choose a location from the Oregon Food bank List:

2. Make a monetary donation to the Oregon Food Bank

3. Drop off a donation at the Democratic Party of Oregon/Mult Dems Office at 232 NE 9th in Portland. You can drop off donations between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 503-224-8200 for more information.

4. Every time you are at the grocery store, Look for that food barrel and put something in it. Tens of thousands of Oregonians need your help. Don't just pass it up.

5. Finally, the Multnomah Democratic Party, recognizing that hunger is a problem throughout the year, will collect food donations year-round at Party meetings and gatherings. Our next Mult Dems meeting is 7pm, Thursday, Dec 11, at the Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th. Guests and friends are always welcome..

Thank You,

KC Hanson


Multnomah County Democrats

PS: Here is what the Oregon Food Bank says about making the most of your food donations:

Most wanted foods

Oregon Food Bank needs these nutritious foods:

canned meats (i.e., tuna, chicken, salmon)

canned and boxed meals (i.e., soup, chili, stew, macaroni and cheese)

peanut butter

canned or dried beans and peas (i.e., black, pinto, lentils)

pasta, rice, cereal

canned fruits

100 percent fruit juice (canned, plastic or boxed).

Oregon Food Bank can't use:? To ensure food safety, we cannot use:

rusty or unlabeled cans

perishable items

homemade items

noncommercial canned or packaged items

alcoholic beverages, mixes or soda

open or used items

PLEASE NOTE: If you donate glass products, please box or bag them separately and label the box or bag "GLASS" on all sides.

Why both food and funds matter:? Food drives provide some of the healthiest and highest-quality food we receive. Food donations also provide a direct connection between donors and people who are hungry.

Cash donations keep our freezers running and our trucks on the road. They also support innovative programs that address the root causes of hunger through advocacy and public education.

Oregon Food Bank makes efficient use of cash donations.

Every dollar you donate enables Oregon Food Bank to collect and distribute 5 pounds of food through its food distribution program.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A moment to remember - again!

I finally got to the video I took on election night...tho almost a month later it still feels like it happened yesterday !

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

A day of giving thanks for many things:

our country will have a new president come January 20th!

my son is happy

I have good friends offline and online

I am healthy

I live in Portland

I see ducks like this

Ah and that soon it’s time to go and eat with many of those friends mentioned above....yummmm

Monday, November 24, 2008

And we help others

Now that the election is behind us - we are using our time to help others because that is what dems do!

This is from the DPO

Thank you for supporting Democrats in Oregon and helping elect Barack Obama, Jeff Merkley and Democrats up and down the ticket.

Together, we've made history, made Oregon proud, and given America an opportunity for change.

Now, we can continue the campaign right here in Oregon.

As we all know, our state and country are hard hit by challenging economic times. For too many Oregon families, bare pantries are a fact of life. Too many seniors have to choose between buying medication or buying food.

We can do something about it by donating food and resources to communities in need.

We’re asking you to help us support the Oregon Food Bank by collecting food from your friends and neighbors and dropping it off at your local Oregon Food Bank location. We'll continue this drive through the end of the year.

In Multnomah County you can drop off donations at the Democratic Party of Oregon at 232 NE 9th Ave in Portland. Hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday – except during Holidays. Call 503-224-8200 for more information.

Click here to see a list of food bank sites in all 36 counties.

If you can’t collect food, please make a monetary donation to the Oregon Food Bank.

Let’s work together to make a difference in our community.

Thanks for your help.


Trent Lutz

Friday, November 14, 2008

Blue! Blue! Blue!

Some people paint the town red...we painted the county blue!!!

And we had celebratory cake and ice cream....



Friday, November 7, 2008

Kudos to US!

After one whole day off from politics - we had an exec meeting last night and most all were there.  [We seem to like each other :-)]

WE congratulated ourselves on turning Multnomah County solid BLUE. Not one little corner is any longer represented by a republican.

But the biggest kudos of the evening went to KC Hanson and Susan Silodor - the chair and vice-chair of the Multnomah county Democrats.

They were elected in January [a very long 10 months ago] and what they have done is to not only re-organize the county party - but to deal with a primary followed immediately by the general election.

And they did it - because they are great leaders who inspired many to get involved in party politics for the first time or to get re-involved after years away...

Like Obama - they walked and talked hope and future and never wavered - even when they had the flu :-).

                 KC and Susan - YOU ROCK!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Did we ever have fun last night!

YES!   WE!    DID!

This is a few seconds after 8PM PST when we at the Oregon Convention Center knew that the closing of our polls out just put Obama over the 270 electoral votes!

It was a madhouse - but such a joyous joyful mad house.

Got Obama's message this morning:

I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.

We just made history.

And I don't want you to forget how we did it.

You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.

I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.

We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.

But I want to be very clear about one thing...

All of this happened because of you.

Thank you,


My Chicago family was at Grant Park for this historic moment in history!

[and I still get weepy about the enormity of what we just accomplished]

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween at Obama Headquarters

4 days to go and the place is hopping!

People of all shapes, sizes, ages and colors are here to get out the vote, drop off a ballot, sell swag, make phone calls or just dropping in because it's such a neat place to hang out!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

We are Nice Too

Not only do we have fun - we're nice people -

This ad was made for the DPO - the Democratic Party of Oregon

More posts after the election - in the interim read

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dems and guns - Yes Guns!

Oregon Democrats Sponsor a Day at the Gun Range

The Gun Owners Caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon is hosting an all-day shooting event:

Save the date!

This centrally located and well-equipped all-purpose range was selected as the ideal spot for Oregon Democrats who enjoy shooting and standing up for our civil rights to get together for a fun day with friends from around the state. The COSSA is east of Bend on Highway 20, at the first road on the left past mile post 24.

For those who support the 2nd Amendment but don't exercise the right to own a firearm yourselves, we expect to have a virtual arsenal on hand for people to learn or practice on. However, you will need to pay for your own ammunition. Those bringing firearms should bring sufficient ammunition for the day. And for anyone wanting to learn how to clean a firearm, I'm sure there will be opportunity for that as well.

The range will be at our disposal for the day, with plans for shooting from 10 am to 4 pm. There will be both rifle and pistol bays available for target practice. We're looking into catering, too.

Start talking to your friends about car-pooling to Bend and having a day of fun before the final push towards November 4. We've already gotten commitments for participation from several prominent pro-2nd Amendment Oregon Democratic office holders and candidates. This will be a great opportunity to meet your fellow activists and elected representatives from around the state. Please plan on coming.

For more information, send me an email at Zakariah.Johnson at gmail dot com or call (normal hours, please) at 503-863-0783. You can also check info on the Gun Owners Caucus blogsite:

Spread the word; and hope to see you in Bend!
-Zak Johnson, Chair
Gun Owners Caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ice Cream Pot Luck

In the middle of August we are planning to have an ice cream potluck - with all Oregon ingredients...

and fun - of course -

It's a send off for those going to Denver and a chance for candidates to chat with us....

Details to follow - we are still locating a good spot for this.....

Update - too much going on in August - so this ice cream potluck is now being planned for September

We have fun in Portland!

Early 2008, the MultcoDems elected a fun bunch of officers....

How many political groups have a vice chair who does a curtsy at every meeting...

Here she demonstrates that curtsy in front of the affectionately labeled "donkey stable" in Portland.

And here is our chair: KC Hanson

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Why we are Dems

We like people - all kinds of people - and we like to have fun....

fun is good and dems have we are dems!

Can you picture republics publicly and loudly marching in a gay pride parade?

Can you picture them allowing anyone into their meetings?

Nope - but we do both...