Monday, September 1, 2008

Dems and guns - Yes Guns!

Oregon Democrats Sponsor a Day at the Gun Range

The Gun Owners Caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon is hosting an all-day shooting event:

Save the date!

This centrally located and well-equipped all-purpose range was selected as the ideal spot for Oregon Democrats who enjoy shooting and standing up for our civil rights to get together for a fun day with friends from around the state. The COSSA is east of Bend on Highway 20, at the first road on the left past mile post 24.

For those who support the 2nd Amendment but don't exercise the right to own a firearm yourselves, we expect to have a virtual arsenal on hand for people to learn or practice on. However, you will need to pay for your own ammunition. Those bringing firearms should bring sufficient ammunition for the day. And for anyone wanting to learn how to clean a firearm, I'm sure there will be opportunity for that as well.

The range will be at our disposal for the day, with plans for shooting from 10 am to 4 pm. There will be both rifle and pistol bays available for target practice. We're looking into catering, too.

Start talking to your friends about car-pooling to Bend and having a day of fun before the final push towards November 4. We've already gotten commitments for participation from several prominent pro-2nd Amendment Oregon Democratic office holders and candidates. This will be a great opportunity to meet your fellow activists and elected representatives from around the state. Please plan on coming.

For more information, send me an email at Zakariah.Johnson at gmail dot com or call (normal hours, please) at 503-863-0783. You can also check info on the Gun Owners Caucus blogsite:

Spread the word; and hope to see you in Bend!
-Zak Johnson, Chair
Gun Owners Caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon