Monday, June 22, 2009

Are you looking for a job in progressive politics? Or job hunting in general?

We have two opportunities for you this week

Tomorrow June 23 Networking Happy Hour sponsored by Democratic Gain

Interested in a career in progressive politics?

Having trouble finding good job prospects?

Want to build your professional network?

Then join us June 23 at Ron Tom’s for a chance for those working in, or wanting work in progressive politics, to meet and mingle with other political professionals. Free food and a fun atmosphere guaranteed!

Tuesday, June 23, 5:00 – 7:30 PM

Ron Tom’s

600 East Burnside


Contact: Jake Weigler (

Details at

And on Saturday June 27 Presenting Your Professional Self

A hands-on compendium to help navigate today’s job search

This hands-on program presents the basics of current resumé development styles, networking, and job search techniques.

Participants will have an opportunity to:

· Create a professional introduction, an “elevator speech” that will enable others to have a clear vision of who you are professionally.

· Develop and/or refine your resumé to meet the expectations of today’s employers

· Identify often overlooked networking opportunities

· Speak confidently about what you can bring to your next employer

Participants should bring a hard-copy of their updated resume, a pad or notebook, and a smile to the workshop.

Whether you are re-entering the workforce, are a recent graduate, were recently down-sized, or maybe you are just making sure you are ready if a new opportunity comes your way, plan to re-energize your job search and have some fun in the process.

Presented by Susan Goldstein, an organizational leader and business consultant. She has mentored business owners, managers, staff and students as they work toward professional, business, and personal goals. Susan is currently a Faculty Advisor to MBA Business Projects students at Portland State University, and she sits on the Advisory Boards of Portland’s Small Business Development Center.

We hope you’ll be part of this exciting, no cost, workshop! But space is limited and registration closes on Thursday, June 25. To register, please email Or call 503-248-0826.

Saturday, June 27, 2009. 9AM - Noon.

Multnomah County Democrats’ office - 3127 NE 67th (NE 67th and Sandy Blvd)

Looking forward to seeing you!

This workshop is presented by the Multnomah County Democrats, Please contact to register. There is no cost.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Civil Rights in Oregon? Not Guaranteed

Attorney General’s Civil Rights Enforcement Unit (House Bill 5022)

We need to act. Right now, we do not have the legal resources we need to guarantee the civil rights and civil liberties of Oregonians. The Oregon Department of Justice used to have a civil rights enforcement unit, but in the 1980s the funding for this unit was eliminated. As a result, there is not a single attorney at the Department devoted to civil rights and civil liberties enforcement work. This is unacceptable. [emphasis mine]

Each day, Oregonians face discrimination because of their race, their age, their gender, their disability, or their sexual orientation. Illegal wiretapping robs our right to privacy. Wanton disregard for the American’s with Disabilities Act leaves entire neighborhoods inaccessible to Oregonians who depend on that protection. Servicemen and women are unlawfully denied their jobs when they return from serving our country.

To fix this problem, the Oregon Department of Justice is requesting $660,166 for the biennium – about $330,000 per year -- to fund the restoration of itscivil rights enforcement unit. This unit will consist of one attorney and one investigator to combat discrimination based on age, race, gender, gender identity, disability or sexual orientation. This unit will also fight to protect our state and federal constitutional rights, promote environmental justice, preserve reproductive freedom, and defend the employment rights of Oregon 's veterans.

This is a simple but powerful tool that can help Oregon become a more fair, equitable and just state. We urge the State Legislature to create and fund a civil rights enforcement unit at the Oregon Department of Justice.

This unit will:
* expose discriminatory financial exploitation
* stand up for reproductive rights
* protect persons with disabilities
* preserve civil liberties
* promote environmental justice
* defend the employment rights of Oregon's veterans

Other things to know:
- There are currently no full-time civil rights attorneys at the Oregon Department of Justice
- Starting the unit would cost about $660,000 over two years – or about $330,000 per year.
- This would fund 1 attorney and 1 investigator


Senator Margaret Carter
Party: D District: 22
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1722
Capitol Address: 900 Court St.NE., S-209, Salem, OR, 97301

Representative Chip Shields
Party: D District: 43
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1443
Capitol Address: 900 Court StNE, H-276, Salem, OR, 97301

Senator Joanne Verger
Party: D District: 5
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1705
Capitol Address: 900 Court St.NE., S-401, Salem, OR, 97301

Representative Peter Buckley
Party: D District: 5
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1405
Capitol Address: 900 Court StNE, H-286, Salem, OR, 97301

Call your Senator and ask them to support:
Attorney General’s Civil Rights Enforcement Unit (House Bill 5022)

We have a great Attorney General - let's give him the tools he needs to protect us!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Thursday Evening - 6/11/09 Central Committee and General Membership meeting

Hot topic at this month’s meeting:

Panel discussion on Major League Soccer, AAA baseball and how it all might affect Portland

Join us as panelists on divergent sides of the issue state their positions. Panelists will include Steve Novick (you know Steve!), Lenny Dee (of Onward Oregon), and Judy Walsh (Treasurer and Past President of the Lents Neighborhood Association), as well as other advocates for the Lents Stadium proposal. A question and answer session will follow.

7pm: Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Ave

Come early (6 PM) to socialize before the meeting.

Grand Opening of the New Mult Dems Office!

Stop by between 1 and 4pm on Saturday, 6/13 at our new office in NE Portland: 3127 NE 67th - just one house south from Sandy Blvd. We'll have the grill going (yep, we have space for a grill!) Join us for lively conversation food, and raffle prizes. Some of our Elected friends will be stopping by, including Dist 45 Rep. Michael Dembrow and Sec. of State Kate Brown.

We hope to see you too!

Pride Parade - Sunday 6/14

What is a Portland weekend without a Parade? ...and the most festive, if not the biggest, is the annual LGBT PRIDE parade this Sunday. Again this year, Mult Dems are walking, riding and unicyclying our way along the route along with several of our legislators and democratic officials, including Congressman Earl Blumenauer.

Plan to meet with us around 10am on Sunday June 14 in the North Park blocks. Contact if you need to know more, and you can call 503-312-1970 (KC) on the day of the parade.

[SURE you can bring your (well socialized and friendly) dog.....]


Please encourage your Senator to Pass HB2004

Having passed the House floor vote on 6/4, we hope to quickly get a hearing for HB 2004, the income tax refund check-off for contributions for political parties. It's scheduled in the Senate Finance and Revenue Committee: Chair Ginny Burdick (D-18), Sen. Mark Hass (D-14), Sen. Diane Rosenbaum (D-21), Vice Chair Sen. Frank Morse (R-8) and Sen. Chris Telfer (R-27).

We need your help contacting your local Senators and asking them to support HB2004 when it comes to the Senate floor. Asking them to become a sponsor of the bill would be great as well!

This will re-institute the checkoff system on Oregonians' state tax forms and allow the citizens to contribute $3 to their designated state political party. This could provide much needed revenue in these lean times as the law would take effect in time for next year's taxes.

Note: This does not provide public funding; it is a quick and easy way to send a small contribution to the party of your choice by directing part of your refund that way.

Attorney General's Civil Rights Division - Oregon won't have it without your voice

The funding allocation for Dept. Of Justice Civil Rights Division is NOT in HB5022, the Attorney General's budget package. Despite this, AG John Kroger remains cautiously optimistic that he can get the funding to restore the Civil Rights Division this session.

The Oregon DOJ Civil Rights Division was dismantled in the 80's and the Bureau of Labor and Industry has taken up much of the slack. BOLI addresses civil rights complaint as they relate to labor, housing and public accommodations. BOLI deals on an administrative level only, and cases which require a courtroom remedy are referred to federal court. BOLI does not have the power to prosecute cases in court.

Kroger observes that while BOLI does a fine job, there are voids that leave citizens with no state agency that can address their civil rights complaints. Notably, BOLI doesn't have the authority to protect statutory and constitutional rights related to hate crimes, vulnerable victims, domestic partnerships and voting rights to name just a few.

Please contact your Oregon Representative and Senator and let them know that you support the re-creation of the Civil Rights Division in the Oregon Department of Justice.

For more info:

Find your legislators here:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

History of Marriage

History of traditional marriage:

[warning - don't drink coffee or anything while watching or protect your keyboard:D]

Monday, June 1, 2009

Office Grand Opening - PARTY !!!!

The Party that parties is partying again, and you're all invited to party with us!

What: Grand Opening of our new office

Where: 3127 NE 67th Ave

When: June 13 1-4 P.M.

What and Who: BBQ, cake, conversation, special guest Rep. Michael Dembrow and a whole lot of democrats

For more info: