Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ice Cream Pot Luck

In the middle of August we are planning to have an ice cream potluck - with all Oregon ingredients...

and fun - of course -

It's a send off for those going to Denver and a chance for candidates to chat with us....

Details to follow - we are still locating a good spot for this.....

Update - too much going on in August - so this ice cream potluck is now being planned for September

We have fun in Portland!

Early 2008, the MultcoDems elected a fun bunch of officers....

How many political groups have a vice chair who does a curtsy at every meeting...

Here she demonstrates that curtsy in front of the affectionately labeled "donkey stable" in Portland.

And here is our chair: KC Hanson

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Why we are Dems

We like people - all kinds of people - and we like to have fun....

fun is good and dems have we are dems!

Can you picture republics publicly and loudly marching in a gay pride parade?

Can you picture them allowing anyone into their meetings?

Nope - but we do both...