Monday, September 21, 2009
No more posts
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July Events with the Multnomah Democrats
Celebrate the 4th by sharing with Oregon troops overseas
The Multnomah Dems, in coordination with the DPO, NW Portland Ministries, and the good folks at Gallagher Plaza are gathering goods and goodies to send to Oregonians serving abroad.
If you're having a 4th of July party, have your guests bring an item or 2. If you're attending a party, pass this on to your host. What to bring -- new or used CDs, magazines, paperback books. Also hard candy, toothbrushes and personal hygiene items are handed out to the local children. Use your IMAGINATION! Nothing is discarded: everything is used. Do not include items that will melt or spoil in the 7 to 10 days it takes to get to the soldiers.
Even if you're not going to a party, please donate an item or two... Items can be dropped off at the Mult Dems office, 3127 NE 67th (call first for hours 503-312-1970)
Other options for Pick up/drop off of items and further information: KC at
The July Mult Dems Central Committee meeting will again be at Red Sunset Park in Gresham. Hosted by our great volunteers and Leaders in Districts 49 and 50, the evening will feature special guest and former Oregon SOS Bill Bradbury, the music of Zack Johnson's Bluegrass band, and of course, food and drink!
Music and picnic will begin at 6pm. Speakers will start at 7pm.
Red Sunset Park is on Red Sunset Drive, immediately west of 242nd/Hogan (Red Sunset Drive is between Division and Stark.) A shuttle will be available for those using MAX. Please use 503-312-1970 for pick-ups that evening.
BASEBALL with the Dems!
Get your tickets NOW before we run out! - Friday, July 17th, Democrats from Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas Counties come together at PGE Park to root on the Beavers - Tickets are $15 ea and may be easily purchase online at (The seats are splendid lower level seats right by first base) Proceeds from ticket sales are benefitting the County Parties.
This is one of the year's most fun events - a great opportunity to network with other Dems and have a great time at the ballpark. Let's make our Dem Group the biggest guest group at PGE this season!
Golf, anyone?
There are a few spaces left for golfers for this years' DPO Golf Tournament on Monday July 13 in Oregon City. Whether you're a scratch golfer or a duffer, this is the event for you - best ball/ shotgun start - so NOOOOOO pressure. Proceeds go to the coffers of the DPO, so it's a great reason to escape to the greens.
Entry fee is $125 per person, and we can hook you in with a team or you can put together your own foursome... but do it soon!! Contact KC for more info:
Oregon's Rivers Need Our Help
Join Attorney General John Kroger for a Town Hall on the Banks of the Tualatin River
You know that Attorney General John Kroger and DEQ Director Dick Pederson are committed to improving environmental enforcement in Oregon. Come be part of the solution! Join us for a discussion about the current challenges facing Oregon's rivers and what it will take to reverse the trend. Tougher enforcement is one important step, but to make real progress our rivers need you.
Wednesday, July 8
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Tualatin Community Park
8515 SW Tualatin Road
Tualatin, OR
The public forum will be held from 6:30pm until 8:30pm at the Rustic Shelter.
If you plan to attend please let us know by responding to this email or by calling Julie Rutherford at 503-378-6002.
Together we can keep Oregon beautiful.
Hope to see you there!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Are you looking for a job in progressive politics? Or job hunting in general?
We have two opportunities for you this week
Tomorrow June 23 Networking Happy Hour sponsored by Democratic Gain
Interested in a career in progressive politics?
Having trouble finding good job prospects?
Want to build your professional network?
Then join us June 23 at Ron Tom’s for a chance for those working in, or wanting work in progressive politics, to meet and mingle with other political professionals. Free food and a fun atmosphere guaranteed!
Tuesday, June 23, 5:00 – 7:30 PM
Ron Tom’s
600 East Burnside
Contact: Jake Weigler (
Details at
And on Saturday June 27 Presenting Your Professional Self
A hands-on compendium to help navigate today’s job search
This hands-on program presents the basics of current resumé development styles, networking, and job search techniques.
Participants will have an opportunity to:
· Create a professional introduction, an “elevator speech” that will enable others to have a clear vision of who you are professionally.
· Develop and/or refine your resumĂ© to meet the expectations of today’s employers
· Identify often overlooked networking opportunities
· Speak confidently about what you can bring to your next employer
Participants should bring a hard-copy of their updated resume, a pad or notebook, and a smile to the workshop.
Whether you are re-entering the workforce, are a recent graduate, were recently down-sized, or maybe you are just making sure you are ready if a new opportunity comes your way, plan to re-energize your job search and have some fun in the process.
Presented by Susan Goldstein, an organizational leader and business consultant. She has mentored business owners, managers, staff and students as they work toward professional, business, and personal goals. Susan is currently a Faculty Advisor to MBA Business Projects students at Portland State University, and she sits on the Advisory Boards of Portland’s Small Business Development Center.
We hope you’ll be part of this exciting, no cost, workshop! But space is limited and registration closes on Thursday, June 25. To register, please email Or call 503-248-0826.
Saturday, June 27, 2009. 9AM - Noon.
Multnomah County Democrats’ office - 3127 NE 67th (NE 67th and Sandy Blvd)
Looking forward to seeing you!
This workshop is presented by the Multnomah County Democrats, Please contact to register. There is no cost.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Civil Rights in Oregon? Not Guaranteed
We need to act. Right now, we do not have the legal resources we need to guarantee the civil rights and civil liberties of Oregonians. The Oregon Department of Justice used to have a civil rights enforcement unit, but in the 1980s the funding for this unit was eliminated. As a result, there is not a single attorney at the Department devoted to civil rights and civil liberties enforcement work. This is unacceptable. [emphasis mine]
Each day, Oregonians face discrimination because of their race, their age, their gender, their disability, or their sexual orientation. Illegal wiretapping robs our right to privacy. Wanton disregard for the American’s with Disabilities Act leaves entire neighborhoods inaccessible to Oregonians who depend on that protection. Servicemen and women are unlawfully denied their jobs when they return from serving our country.
To fix this problem, the Oregon Department of Justice is requesting $660,166 for the biennium – about $330,000 per year -- to fund the restoration of itscivil rights enforcement unit. This unit will consist of one attorney and one investigator to combat discrimination based on age, race, gender, gender identity, disability or sexual orientation. This unit will also fight to protect our state and federal constitutional rights, promote environmental justice, preserve reproductive freedom, and defend the employment rights of Oregon 's veterans.
This is a simple but powerful tool that can help Oregon become a more fair, equitable and just state. We urge the State Legislature to create and fund a civil rights enforcement unit at the Oregon Department of Justice.
This unit will:
* expose discriminatory financial exploitation
* stand up for reproductive rights
* protect persons with disabilities
* preserve civil liberties
* promote environmental justice
* defend the employment rights of Oregon's veterans
Other things to know:
- There are currently no full-time civil rights attorneys at the Oregon Department of Justice
- Starting the unit would cost about $660,000 over two years – or about $330,000 per year.
- This would fund 1 attorney and 1 investigator
Senator Margaret Carter
Party: D District: 22
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1722
Capitol Address: 900 Court St.NE., S-209, Salem, OR, 97301
Representative Chip Shields
Party: D District: 43
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1443
Capitol Address: 900 Court StNE, H-276, Salem, OR, 97301
Senator Joanne Verger
Party: D District: 5
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1705
Capitol Address: 900 Court St.NE., S-401, Salem, OR, 97301
Representative Peter Buckley
Party: D District: 5
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1405
Capitol Address: 900 Court StNE, H-286, Salem, OR, 97301
Call your Senator and ask them to support:
Attorney General’s Civil Rights Enforcement Unit (House Bill 5022)
We have a great Attorney General - let's give him the tools he needs to protect us!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hot topic at this month’s meeting:
Panel discussion on Major League Soccer, AAA baseball and how it all might affect Portland
Join us as panelists on divergent sides of the issue state their positions. Panelists will include Steve Novick (you know Steve!), Lenny Dee (of Onward Oregon), and Judy Walsh (Treasurer and Past President of the Lents Neighborhood Association), as well as other advocates for the Lents Stadium proposal. A question and answer session will follow.
7pm: Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Ave
Come early (6 PM) to socialize before the meeting.
Grand Opening of the New Mult Dems Office!
Stop by between 1 and 4pm on Saturday, 6/13 at our new office in NE Portland: 3127 NE 67th - just one house south from Sandy Blvd. We'll have the grill going (yep, we have space for a grill!) Join us for lively conversation food, and raffle prizes. Some of our Elected friends will be stopping by, including Dist 45 Rep. Michael Dembrow and Sec. of State Kate Brown.
We hope to see you too!
Pride Parade - Sunday 6/14
What is a Portland weekend without a Parade? ...and the most festive, if not the biggest, is the annual LGBT PRIDE parade this Sunday. Again this year, Mult Dems are walking, riding and unicyclying our way along the route along with several of our legislators and democratic officials, including Congressman Earl Blumenauer.
Plan to meet with us around 10am on Sunday June 14 in the North Park blocks. Contact if you need to know more, and you can call 503-312-1970 (KC) on the day of the parade.
[SURE you can bring your (well socialized and friendly) dog.....]
Please encourage your Senator to Pass HB2004
Having passed the House floor vote on 6/4, we hope to quickly get a hearing for HB 2004, the income tax refund check-off for contributions for political parties. It's scheduled in the Senate Finance and Revenue Committee: Chair Ginny Burdick (D-18), Sen. Mark Hass (D-14), Sen. Diane Rosenbaum (D-21), Vice Chair Sen. Frank Morse (R-8) and Sen. Chris Telfer (R-27).
We need your help contacting your local Senators and asking them to support HB2004 when it comes to the Senate floor. Asking them to become a sponsor of the bill would be great as well!
This will re-institute the checkoff system on Oregonians' state tax forms and allow the citizens to contribute $3 to their designated state political party. This could provide much needed revenue in these lean times as the law would take effect in time for next year's taxes.
Note: This does not provide public funding; it is a quick and easy way to send a small contribution to the party of your choice by directing part of your refund that way.
Attorney General's Civil Rights Division - Oregon won't have it without your voice
The funding allocation for Dept. Of Justice Civil Rights Division is NOT in HB5022, the Attorney General's budget package. Despite this, AG John Kroger remains cautiously optimistic that he can get the funding to restore the Civil Rights Division this session.
The Oregon DOJ Civil Rights Division was dismantled in the 80's and the Bureau of Labor and Industry has taken up much of the slack. BOLI addresses civil rights complaint as they relate to labor, housing and public accommodations. BOLI deals on an administrative level only, and cases which require a courtroom remedy are referred to federal court. BOLI does not have the power to prosecute cases in court.
Kroger observes that while BOLI does a fine job, there are voids that leave citizens with no state agency that can address their civil rights complaints. Notably, BOLI doesn't have the authority to protect statutory and constitutional rights related to hate crimes, vulnerable victims, domestic partnerships and voting rights to name just a few.
Please contact your Oregon Representative and Senator and let them know that you support the re-creation of the Civil Rights Division in the Oregon Department of Justice.
For more info:
Find your legislators here:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
History of Marriage
[warning - don't drink coffee or anything while watching or protect your keyboard:D]
Monday, June 1, 2009
Office Grand Opening - PARTY !!!!

What: Grand Opening of our new office
Where: 3127 NE 67th Ave
When: June 13 1-4 P.M.
What and Who: BBQ, cake, conversation, special guest Rep. Michael Dembrow and a whole lot of democrats
For more info:
Thursday, May 28, 2009
NEEDED: Civil Rights Enforcement in Oregon
Attorney General John Kroger needs our help to restore Civil Rights Enforcement at the Oregon Department of Justice.
‘We do not have the legal resources we need to guarantee the civil rights and civil liberties of our citizens. The Oregon Department of Justice used to have a civil rights enforcement unit, but back in the 1980s, the funding for this unit was eliminated. Today there is not one single attorney at the Department devoted to civil rights and civil liberties enforcement work.”
It’s time that the Oregon Department of Justice has a civil rights enforcement unit again. It’s a critical tool that will help Oregon become more fair, equitable and just, combating discrimination based on age, race, gender, gender identity, disability or sexual orientation and protecting important constitutional rights.
Please show your support for HB 5022 by calling these members of the ways and means committee today:
Sen. Margaret Carter 503-986-1722
Rep. Peter Buckley 503-986-1405
Sen. Joanne Verger 503-986-1705
Rep. Chip Shields 503-986-1443
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Food Drive - A success
This is what the loading dock of the Gresham PO looked like most of the day!
John Vandermosten and KC Hanson - you both ROCK!
If I never see another yellow bag - I'll be very happy
Sunday, May 3, 2009
But do we know that the consequences START at the very local levels? Like the ones in our recent voter pamphlet and ballot?
So fill out your ballots and get them in on or before May can drop off ballots at county libraries.
Being postmarked on Election Day is not valid here - they must be IN by 8PM that evening.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
From Rep. Greg Matthews
Protecting our Veterans
As a veteran of the US Army, I know that our troops deserve more than just parades when they return home from combat. And that’s why I recently voted for HB 2178 in the Veterans’ & Emergency Services Committee.
This bill creates Veterans’ Service Officers at our universities and community colleges. These officers actively seek to identify veterans in the surrounding communities and help provide these veterans opportunities for state and federal benefits. This bill passed out of the committee and awaits a vote in the Joint Ways and Means Committee.
Strengthening Public Safety
Last week the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate signed HB 2420, which provides coverage for firefighters from 12 types of cancer – brain, colon, stomach, testicular, prostate, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, throat, mouth, rectal, breast, and leukemia – and shifts the burden of proof to employers to demonstrate that cancer contracted by a firefighter was not job related.
This bill awaits the Governor’s signature and will be signed into law shortly. As a veteran of the Gresham Fire Department, I was proud to have the opportunity to help pass this important piece of legislation. This bill makes sure we protect the working men and women who risk their lives everyday for our families and communities.
Without presumptive legislation, a firefighter who develops cancer as a result of their job must file a worker’s compensation claim, and endure the uncertainties of a complicated and difficult claim process. This system of claim and appeals often takes years to produce a final decision.
Budget Shortfall
With the state facing a nearly unprecedented budget shortfall, our legislature has made prudent, responsible choices to protect Oregon families, while taking the steps necessary to cope with the much more difficult times ahead. When the magnitude of the challenges we face to balance the current budget first became apparent, many predicted that lives would be endangered due to cuts in human services; that prisons would close, resulting in the early release of prisoners; and that schools would shut their doors weeks, even months, in advance.
This budget deal ensures this will not happen. We were able to make key improvements to the original budget proposal and reach a deal that protects public safety, human services and education. The budget deal we reached provides funds for universities and community colleges to end their terms intact. We protected public safety and made sure that not a single prison will close. We safeguarded vital human services, because we refuse to risk a single life due to budget constraints. And we provided school districts with the funds necessary to save school days. Because of our strong leadership through difficult times, Oregon is in much better shape than many of our neighbors.
Town Hall Meeting
Please join me, Senator Laurie-Monnes Anderson, and Representative Nick Kahl on March 24, from 6:00 – 7:30 PM at Mount Hood Community College in the Town and Gown Room for a town hall meeting on “Boosting the State Economy.”
I’m also available to meet individually or with small groups on a drop-in basis on Saturday, March 21, from 9:00 – 11:00 AM at CafĂ© Delirium in Historic Downtown Gresham on 308 N Main Avenue.
Deployment of the 41st Brigade
On May 2nd & 4th, Oregon’s 41st Brigade will deploy to Iraq with 3,000 troops – the largest deployment in Oregon since World War II. Please keep these soldiers and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
Questions, Suggestions, Problems?
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of any assistance to you or your family – I am here to serve the Gresham Community. You can contact my capitol office at 503-986-1450 or send me an email at
Thank you for your interest and continued involvement in our community and the legislative process.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Upcoming Meeting
6 PM for socializing [we do a lot of that] and credentialing [if you plan to vote]
7 PM for the meeting - with John speaking and some resolutions to vote on
Please bring non-perishable foods for the Oregon Food Bank.
Meeting is at the Hollywood Senior Center
1820 NE 40th Ave., Portland 97212 - just north of Sandy Blvd.
See you there?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sad News
February 24th, 2009 at 11:55 am by Marty Davis · 3 Comments
Just Out has just learned of the passing of Richard Levy, long-time Oregon gay rights activist and political leader.
Dick had recently undergone surgery for cancer, and returned last night to the hospital for treatment from complications from the surgery.
Just Out Article:
+++++++++++++++++Dick had contributed his collection of political buttons for us to auction at the Celsi Dinner - so if you are the lucky ones who bought those - you now have some Portland history in your home.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Nick Kahl - Townhall Meeting Tonight
Rep. Kahl will be joined by OR Attorney General John Kroger and Multnomah County Sheriff Bob Skipper.
Monday, February 23, 2009
POTUS Speech, John Kroger, Cesli Info and more
The President's speech to the joint session of Congress starts tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6:00 PM
(Doesn't it feel good to say "The President" these days?)
Join with other Democrats 5 PM to 9 PM to watch the speech at Krakow Cafe, 3990 N. Interstate Ave, 503-954-2200
Party-goers can fortify themselves from the televised Republican response, by playing State of the Union "Bingo." After Obama's speech, revelers will get bingo cards to mark any time the GOP speaker refers to "health care," "education," "environment," "HIV-AIDS," or Haliburton."
First ones to scream "Bingo" win prizes.
Oregon Democrats step up to help consumers, and need your support:
Debt collectors in Oregon have enjoyed a significant legal loophole that has allowed them to abuse consumers with no consequence. Oregon Attorney General John Kroger and Senator Suzanne Bonameci are leading the effort to change that.
Heading to the Senate Floor this week, SB 328 puts debt collectors in the same position as nearly all other Oregon businesses by making abuses subject to the Unlawful Trade Practices Act. No enforcement provision currently exists to hold collectors accountable for unscrupulous practices, and such abuse ranks among the top consumer complaints in Oregon, allowing debt collectors to freely harass and intimidate Oregonians.
Companion SB 386 would make it illegal for debt collectors to attempt to collect money that they know, or ought to know, is not owed.
Both the Oregonian and the Register Guard have recognized the value of these bills and to read them go here
find your legislator:
Please contact your Senator and let her/him know that you support Oregon consumers. It's important to make your voice heard even if you think your Senator will be an advocate. Our legislators need to not only know they have our support when they are considering good legislation, but it gives them an additional reference to use in debate.
Celsi Dinner: A great time and a big success!
Big thanks to the many volunteers who helped put on the Celsi, all the beautiful and charming Democrats who made it the place to be last Friday night, and special thanks to those who donated or bid to help support the Party in the coming year. Thanks to all those elected representatives in Congress, the Legislature, the City Council and County Board of Commissioners and School Boards who took time out to party with the grassroots.Thanks also to Democrats who traveled from neighboring counties to give their support.
Special thanks to Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley whose spirited remarks kicked off the festivities, and Congressman Earl Blumenauer, who set a generous tone with a pledge to pay the first month's rent when we get our new headquarters.
Thanks to speakers Karol Collymore, John Kroger and Carl Wolfson, and the multi-talented Steve Novick, who can always become an auctioneer if he gets tired of politics and policy.
Here's one comment I received:
"The dinner was GREAT! My first such event but surely will not be my last.
Speeches are supposed to be boring! What were those guys thinking of??? I laughed and thought and thoroughly enjoyed the entire evening."
Congratulations to Celsi Award winner John Vandermosten and McCoy Award winner Jackie Dingfelder. Both awards are richly deserved.
Mark your calendar for next year: Celsi Dinner, February 5, 2010.
(PS: Unfortunately we ran out of time for some of the live auction items. Or fortunately, if you'd like to bid but missed the dinner. Stay tuned for news of how we will conduct an extended auction for those.)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
What's Next for Fun?
Full room of friends, great auction items, local and state pols, pals from Washington County, fun speakers and funnier auctioneers!
What do we do as an encore? We have a night to get together and watch President Obama give a speech - it's not a real state of the union as he's only been in office a short time - but it's the night that it would be the SOTU and he's giving a speech...
So we are getting together at Krakow Cafe on Tuesday, Feb. 24.
Here is Mark's announcement - he's planning on a fun event too!
The president's speech starts at 6 pm:
Party-goers can fortify themselves from the televised Republican response, by playing State of the Union "Bingo." After Obama's speech, revelers will get bingo cards to mark any time the GOP speaker refers to "health care," "education," "environment," "HIV-AID," or Haliburton."
First ones to scream "Bingo" win prizes.
Party from 5 pm to 9 pm. Krakow Cafe, 3990 N. Interstate Ave, 503-954-2200
Monday, February 16, 2009
Celsi - top 7 reasons for going
Top reasons to go to the Celsi Dinner
7. Suspense: Will John Vandermosten shave his sesquicentennial beard (Oregon's sesquicentennial, his beard) before the Celsi award?
6. Opportunity: Last chance to heckle John Kroger before he gets all Attorney Generally (C'mon bloggers, you know it's more fun the old fashioned way.)
5. Thrills: A chance to hook bump with Steve Novick.
4. Amazement: KC Hanson in a pink boa. (Ok, that one's a maybe.)
3. Fun: There’s plenty of time to be serious the rest of the year.
2. Power: 2% of the entire US Senate. What more do you want???
1. But seriously, here's the top reason: We can't take for granted our successes in the election just past. “Community organizing” doesn't cost a lot of money, but it costs some. We (and by we I mean you) can be the best hub for volunteer political action in the county (maybe the state?). This fundraiser and our monthly donors will make that possible.
The ticket deadline looms. Please buy your tickets by Monday night, or place a frantic call to Susan Silodor Tuesday morning.
Multnomah Democrats' Annual Celsi Dinner. Celsi Award. McCoy Award. Attorney General John (The Hammer) Kroger. Steve (The Hook) Novick. KPOJ's Carl Wolfson. Blue Oregon's Karol Collymore. Fabulous Silent and Live Auction items. Lots of beautiful (and charming!) Democrats. And...
TWO United States Senators from Oregon!! Senior and Junior. Both. All.
Friday, February 20, 2009 (Day 32 of the Post Bush Era), 6:00 PM
Melody Ballroom, 615 SE Alder Street, Portland
How do I get tickets?
Click here:
Or contact Vice Chair Susan Silodor at
See you there!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Big surprise unveiled!
So.... two Senators and an Attorney General walk into a ballroom....
And they're at the Celsi Dinner! Time for some ass, kicking™ fun!!
If you're waiting until the last minute to buy your tickets, well, that time is coming soon. Really. We have to have a meal count by Monday night, and believe me, the sooner you order your tickets the more you save us from anxiety.
So give your fellow community organizers a break and buy them now.
Multnomah Democrats' Annual Celsi Dinner. Celsi Award. McCoy Award. Attorney General John (The Hammer) Kroger. Steve (The Hook) Novick. KPOJ's Carl Wolfson. Blue Oregon's Karol Collymore. Fabulous Silent and Live Auction items. Lots of beautiful (and charming!) Democrats. And...
TWO United States Senators from Oregon!! Senior and Junior. Both. All.
Friday, February 20, 2009 (Day 32 of the Post Bush Era), 6:00 PM
Melody Ballroom, 615 SE Alder Street, Portland
How do I get tickets?
Click here:
Or contact Vice Chair Susan Silodor
See you there!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Helping Others by Helping Community Warehouse
We are nearly out of the following items:
Pots and Pans
Baking Dishes
Cooking Utensils
Can you help?
65 low-income households in need of essential items and furniture will visit us this week for assistance. Your donations are needed and appreciated! There's no need to buy new. We accept used items as long as they are in good condition.
We are open every day 10-4 to receive donations. If you need to schedule our truck to pick up furniture, please call (503) 235-8786.
Community Warehouse
2267 N. Interstate Avenue
Portland, OR 97227
(503) 274-4750
Community Warehouse is a local non-profit organization that receives donated basic household items and furniture from individuals and businesses, and gives them to low-income people recovering from crisis such as homeless or domestic violence. Over 65 households are served each week.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Celsi is coming! Celsi is coming!
That's just one of many auction items at this year's Multnomah County Democratic Party Celsi Dinner, our annual fundraising dinner named in honor of longtime activist and former County Party Chair Dick Celsi.
The Dinner is coming soon, and its time to reserve you ticket now by going to
The Feb. 20th Dinner will be a fun and lively event. Featured speakers include Steve Novick, Attorney General John Kroger, Karol Collymore of Blue Oregon and KPOJ's Carl Wolfson.
Please join us as we celebrate our successes in 2008 and move forward into the hard work of the next 2 years.
There's also still time to make your own auction donation or reserve a space in the event program for your business! Do you have a sports or political or other collectible that needs a new home or would you like to donate a gift certificate? Do you own a business that you'd love to tell your fellow Democrats about?For more information about the auction or advertising opportunities, contact Multnomah Dems' Vice-Chair Susan Silodor or phone 503.310.5253.
We hope to see you at Celsi!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Ok not all we do is entirely fun
I would not call it a fun day - but it was a good day - many ideas were put forth and discussed. We chatted through lunch and also used that time to catch up on missed phone calls...[how did we ever survive without cell phones?]
My personal feeling was that it was a very productive can it be described as fun? I'll let the participants comment on that...
And as usual photos will appear as soon as I can get to that task.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
can't say that enough times!
photos and video from one pdx watching spot will get posted when I get it edited...
Monday, January 19, 2009
More Inauguration Watching Places
More places to watch and celebrate:
TV Coverage starts at 7 AM; Oath of office at 9 AM. At 9:01 AM PST we will have a new President!
Le Sorelle Cafe
8931 SE Foster Rd.
Opens at 7am
Coffee, breakfast and the Inauguration at KC's favorite close-to-home Coffee Stop!
Bipartisan Café, 7901 SE Stark
Not making it to Washington D.C. for the Inauguration of Barack Obama? Celebrate in style with us on Tuesday, January 20, starting at 7 a.m. with television coverage of the inauguration and the Bipartisan Inaugural Ball kicking off at 6 p.m. Giveaways and prizes will be featured throughout the day.
Reflections Talking Drum Bookstore
Opens at 7 AM for live viewing of the Inauguration.
Inauguration Celebration and Community Organizer 6 – 9 PM
Participate via Satellite in Inauguration Events,
Establish and Discuss Community Initiatives,
Network with your neighbors.
446 NE Killingworth
Phone: 503.288.4106
"We've come this far by Faith and Action"
Inauguration Prayer Service
Food, Fellowship and Fun
Reception/Viewing Party at 6 PM; Prayer Service at 7:15 PM
Honoring Matrons of Motivation and Patrons of Progress (M.O.M.s & P.O.P.s) who set the tempo of Portland's civil rights movement.
Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church
3138 N Vancouver Ave., Portland
The DPO's official Inauguration Victory Ball! Celebrate with decadent desserts, a limited edition souvenir for each guest, Obama auction packages, special guest appearances, a champagne toast to Barack Obama, and more! Dance the night away to some of Oregon's finest talent *Note: Oregon Victory Ball tickets also include entry after 11pm to our 21 & over Holocene event (below) as space allows.
Online registration is closed. There may be a few tickets left; contact if you want one.
Tiffany Center Emerald Ballroom (map)?1410 SW Morrison St. Portland, OR 97205
7:30 - midnight
Attire: Formal / Cocktail or your Patriotic Finest
Change is Here Dance Party
A Community Celebration of Democracy
Featuring Glasgow's own "JD Twitch" (OPTIMO) plus NIGHTCLUBBING with DJ's Linger & Quiet.
Get your groove on, drink Obama beer, score limited edition Inauguration event posters/gear and much much more. A sure fire way to make your co-workers jealous on Wednesday.
Holocene: 1001 SE Morrison St
8 PM – Close
$10 cover at the door
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Portland Inauguration Watch
Their list will be posted and emailed tomorrow evening...we are overloading the few places mentioned :D but I'll post places here as as I find them :
AM Inaugural Events
All day 8.a.m. to 10 p.m.
Showing all the inaugural events on their big screen while you can have some free chips and salsa. $1 buys your first glass of champagne,
$3 micro brews, and as always, wines are under $5/glass
Message from Coopers: Now lets watch the history we created together!
Hope to see ya here!! the Coopers Crew
You can keep checking MoveOn and other organizations at link here. If you can't find one near you host/post your own.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Inauguration Day
Krakow Koffeehouse and Market
3990 N. Interstate
Portland, OR 97227
If you have not been there - it's the ground floor of a new condo building.
Swearing in is at 9 AM - so come earlier...
One of our N. Portland PCPs owns this - so come out, eat and have fun while supporting a local dem business...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Last Thursday we had our reorganization meeting and elected officers and delegates/alternates to the State Central Committee and the 1st, 3rd and 5th Congressional Districts for the next two years.
Election Results, Multnomah County Democratic Party
Officers, State Central Committee members and Congressional District Committee members from Multnomah County were elected last Thursday evening. Here are the results.
Chair: KC Hanson
Vice-Chair: Susan Silodor
Treasurer: Laura Calvo
Communications Officer: Sue Hagmeier
Recording Secretary: Eric Swehla
Historian: Lynn Dorman
KC Hanson (MCDCC Chair, automatic)
Susan Silodor (MDCC Vice Chair, automatic)
Shirley Minor
Sue Hagmeier
Deb Whitcomb
Huma Pierce
Jenni Simonis
Women Alternates
1. Stephanaie Vardavas
2. Lorraine Van Hoe
3. Kathy Jackson
4. Sue Stinson
5. Mary Botkin
6. Lynn Dorman
7. Donna Munroe
Lew Frederick
Zach Johnson
Bing Wong
Mark Schwebke
Moshe Lenske
Blaine Palmer
Todd Barnhart
Men Alternates
Joe Smith
Jefferson Smith
Moses Ross
Leo Schuman
Lurelle Robbins
Gordon Hillesland
Jim Robison
election of SCC delegation chair is pending
1st CD Committee
Donna Munroe
Trudie Brooks*
Pete Munroe
Lurelle Robbins
Alt: Sandy Baker
5th CD Committee
Huma Pierce
Kathy Jackson*
Dave Jackson
Alt: (vacant)
* Indicates delegation Chair for County delegates to CD
3rd CD Committee**
Laura Calvo
Shirley Minor
Betsy Salter
Sue Hagmeier
Pam Arden
Sue Stinson
Stephanie Vardavas
Bing Wong
Eric Swehla
Joe Smith
Moshe Lenske
Mark Schwebke
Mike Mattingly
Tim Rowan
Gordon Hillesland
Lorraine Van Hoe
Norla Antinoro
**The election of the 3rd CD Chair will occur at the next CD meeting. If the Chair is a Multnomah County delegate, the CD Chair will also serve as Multnomah Delegation Chair
Friday, January 9, 2009
Annual Cesli Dinner is Coming!
Friday, February 20
2009 Annual Celsi Dinner
Melody Ballroom, 615 SE Alder Street, Portland
Join our speakers: John Kroger, Steve Novick, Karol Collymore, and Carl Wolfson of KPOJ radio. Plus, a special appearance of the Dems Femmes.
For more information on tickets, sponsorship opportunities and donations to the silent auction, please email Susan Silodor or phone her at 503-310-5253.
Tickets now available! Order online via this secure web page.
From Congressman Earl Blumenauer
I was determined to attend the official report of the Electoral College to the Joint Session of Congress, if only to balance the painful, surreal memories of Al Gore presiding over the tally that made his defeat official in 2000. It seemed at the time, and we now know it to be true, that absent the Supreme Court's unprecedented intervention, a full and fair count of the Florida ballots might well have yielded a different result and history would have been profoundly changed.
But that was then and this is now, as they say. There was a small measure of satisfaction watching Dick Cheney, as President of the Senate, preside over this session with his lopsided smile/smirk for the last time. Indeed, I almost said "festivities" because there was a special air about it.
Usually, this Joint Session is so lightly attended that the Floor Staff has to pack the Chamber with staff and pages to give the TV audience a full house – no pun intended. This time it wasn't necessary; Members had to search for places to sit as they watched history being made on so many different levels.
Senators Bob Bennett and Chuck Schumer and Representatives Robert Brady and Dan Lungren served as Tellers, the officials responsible for reporting the states' electoral tallies. Initially, the Yea's were bad for the Obama camp and the Democrats as McCain took Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, and Alaska. Then the tide shifted with a run of Blue States, punctuated by the announcement by Representative Lungren—a conservative Republican from California—of his state's 55 electoral votes for Obama. Soon the President-elect's tally rocketed ahead and I found myself mentally keeping track of his votes, trying to determine which state would officially put him over the magic 270 number. (It was New Jersey, with its 15 electoral votes, for those of you keeping track.)
The Tellers announced the results from their own state. Senator Bennett, from what he termed the "fast growing state of Utah", announced 5 electoral votes for McCain. Representative Brady from Pennsylvania and Senator Schumer from New York were positively giddy at the announcement of 31 more votes for Obama, adding an exclamation point behind the already-victorious tally.
There were moments of levity as Ohio produced a Certificate of Election about the size of Delaware. As the count wound down and Dick Cheney announced the results in his monotone drone, the Democratic side of the Chamber rose, clapping and cheering at the final tally: "Barack Obama: 365." The sustained applause even brought the Republican side of the Chamber slowly to its feet until everybody was clapping, creating a pulse of excitement throughout the Chamber.
As the losing tallies were read for John McCain and then for Sarah Palin (the Constitution requires separate tallies for President and Vice President), people again stood and cheered, although with exchanged looks that were hard to decipher. Just as Dick Cheney started to bring the Joint Session to a close, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had been sitting quietly next to him, suddenly sprang to her feet and led another eruption of applause in the Chamber, taking Cheney off guard and leaving him with an uncharacteristic look of uncertainty.
This dramatic and sometimes humorous session provided a bright note in a troubled time. After all, it was the last time we would have to endure Dick Cheney presiding over a Joint Session of Congress. As I left the Chamber, I felt optimistic and resolute. The next gathering of the US House and Senate would be to welcome our new President, Barack Obama. Finally, the ghost of the 2000 election receded a little further into the recesses of my memory.
Congressman Earl Blumenauer