Last Thursday we had our reorganization meeting and elected officers and delegates/alternates to the State Central Committee and the 1st, 3rd and 5th Congressional Districts for the next two years.
Election Results, Multnomah County Democratic Party
Officers, State Central Committee members and Congressional District Committee members from Multnomah County were elected last Thursday evening. Here are the results.
Chair: KC Hanson
Vice-Chair: Susan Silodor
Treasurer: Laura Calvo
Communications Officer: Sue Hagmeier
Recording Secretary: Eric Swehla
Historian: Lynn Dorman
KC Hanson (MCDCC Chair, automatic)
Susan Silodor (MDCC Vice Chair, automatic)
Shirley Minor
Sue Hagmeier
Deb Whitcomb
Huma Pierce
Jenni Simonis
Women Alternates
1. Stephanaie Vardavas
2. Lorraine Van Hoe
3. Kathy Jackson
4. Sue Stinson
5. Mary Botkin
6. Lynn Dorman
7. Donna Munroe
Lew Frederick
Zach Johnson
Bing Wong
Mark Schwebke
Moshe Lenske
Blaine Palmer
Todd Barnhart
Men Alternates
Joe Smith
Jefferson Smith
Moses Ross
Leo Schuman
Lurelle Robbins
Gordon Hillesland
Jim Robison
election of SCC delegation chair is pending
1st CD Committee
Donna Munroe
Trudie Brooks*
Pete Munroe
Lurelle Robbins
Alt: Sandy Baker
5th CD Committee
Huma Pierce
Kathy Jackson*
Dave Jackson
Alt: (vacant)
* Indicates delegation Chair for County delegates to CD
3rd CD Committee**
Laura Calvo
Shirley Minor
Betsy Salter
Sue Hagmeier
Pam Arden
Sue Stinson
Stephanie Vardavas
Bing Wong
Eric Swehla
Joe Smith
Moshe Lenske
Mark Schwebke
Mike Mattingly
Tim Rowan
Gordon Hillesland
Lorraine Van Hoe
Norla Antinoro
**The election of the 3rd CD Chair will occur at the next CD meeting. If the Chair is a Multnomah County delegate, the CD Chair will also serve as Multnomah Delegation Chair
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