Saturday, January 31, 2009

Celsi is coming! Celsi is coming!

Come FLY with us over Portland or Mt. Hood!!

That's just one of many auction items at this year's Multnomah County Democratic Party Celsi Dinner, our annual fundraising dinner named in honor of longtime activist and former County Party Chair Dick Celsi.

The Dinner is coming soon, and its time to reserve you ticket now by going to

The Feb. 20th Dinner will be a fun and lively event. Featured speakers include Steve Novick, Attorney General John Kroger, Karol Collymore of Blue Oregon and KPOJ's Carl Wolfson.

Please join us as we celebrate our successes in 2008 and move forward into the hard work of the next 2 years.

There's also still time to make your own auction donation or reserve a space in the event program for your business! Do you have a sports or political or other collectible that needs a new home or would you like to donate a gift certificate? Do you own a business that you'd love to tell your fellow Democrats about?

For more information about the auction or advertising opportunities, contact Multnomah Dems' Vice-Chair Susan Silodor or phone 503.310.5253.

We hope to see you at Celsi!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ok not all we do is entirely fun

Yesterday the Multnomah County Democratic Executive Committee met all day for our re-organizational meeting - to put out and discuss ideas on where we are going, how to get there, what we did that worked , did not work, etc. during the last year and what changes we see as necessary.

I would not call it a fun day - but it was a good day - many ideas were put forth and discussed. We chatted through lunch and also used that time to catch up on missed phone calls...[how did we ever survive without cell phones?]

My personal feeling was that it was a very productive can it be described as fun? I'll let the participants comment on that...

And as usual photos will appear as soon as I can get to that task.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009



can't say that enough times!

photos and video from one pdx watching spot will get posted when I get it edited...

Monday, January 19, 2009

More Inauguration Watching Places

More places to watch and celebrate:

TV Coverage starts at 7 AM; Oath of office at 9 AM. At 9:01 AM PST we will have a new President!
Le Sorelle Cafe
8931 SE Foster Rd.
Opens at 7am
Coffee, breakfast and the Inauguration at KC's favorite close-to-home Coffee Stop!

Bipartisan Café, 7901 SE Stark
Not making it to Washington D.C. for the Inauguration of Barack Obama? Celebrate in style with us on Tuesday, January 20, starting at 7 a.m. with television coverage of the inauguration and the Bipartisan Inaugural Ball kicking off at 6 p.m. Giveaways and prizes will be featured throughout the day.

Reflections Talking Drum Bookstore
Opens at 7 AM for live viewing of the Inauguration.
Inauguration Celebration and Community Organizer 6 – 9 PM
Participate via Satellite in Inauguration Events,
Establish and Discuss Community Initiatives,
Network with your neighbors.
446 NE Killingworth
Phone: 503.288.4106

"We've come this far by Faith and Action"
Inauguration Prayer Service

Food, Fellowship and Fun
Reception/Viewing Party at 6 PM; Prayer Service at 7:15 PM
Honoring Matrons of Motivation and Patrons of Progress (M.O.M.s & P.O.P.s) who set the tempo of Portland's civil rights movement.
Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church
3138 N Vancouver Ave., Portland

The DPO's official Inauguration Victory Ball! Celebrate with decadent desserts, a limited edition souvenir for each guest, Obama auction packages, special guest appearances, a champagne toast to Barack Obama, and more! Dance the night away to some of Oregon's finest talent *Note: Oregon Victory Ball tickets also include entry after 11pm to our 21 & over Holocene event (below) as space allows.
Online registration is closed. There may be a few tickets left; contact if you want one.
Tiffany Center Emerald Ballroom (map)?1410 SW Morrison St. Portland, OR 97205
7:30 - midnight
Attire: Formal / Cocktail or your Patriotic Finest

Change is Here Dance Party
A Community Celebration of Democracy
Featuring Glasgow's own "JD Twitch" (OPTIMO) plus NIGHTCLUBBING with DJ's Linger & Quiet.
Get your groove on, drink Obama beer, score limited edition Inauguration event posters/gear and much much more. A sure fire way to make your co-workers jealous on Wednesday.
Holocene: 1001 SE Morrison St
8 PM – Close
$10 cover at the door

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Portland Inauguration Watch

The Multnomah County Dems are trying to find more breakfast places so everyone who wants can watch the Inauguration with friends.

Their list will be posted and emailed tomorrow evening...we are overloading the few places mentioned :D but I'll post places here as as I find them :

AM Inaugural Events


All day 8.a.m. to 10 p.m.

Showing all the inaugural events on their big screen while you can have some free chips and salsa. $1 buys your first glass of champagne,
$3 micro brews, and as always, wines are under $5/glass

Message from Coopers: Now lets watch the history we created together!
Hope to see ya here!! the Coopers Crew

You can keep checking MoveOn and other organizations at link here. If you can't find one near you host/post your own.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Inauguration Day

Multnomah County Dems are gathering to watch the swearing in at:

Krakow Koffeehouse and Market
3990 N. Interstate
Portland, OR 97227

If you have not been there - it's the ground floor of a new condo building.

Swearing in is at 9 AM - so come earlier...

One of our N. Portland PCPs owns this - so come out, eat and have fun while supporting a local dem business...

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Last Thursday we had our reorganization meeting and elected officers and delegates/alternates to the State Central Committee and the 1st, 3rd and 5th Congressional Districts for the next two years.

Election Results, Multnomah County Democratic Party
Officers, State Central Committee members and Congressional District Committee members from Multnomah County were elected last Thursday evening. Here are the results.
Chair: KC Hanson
Vice-Chair: Susan Silodor
Treasurer: Laura Calvo
Communications Officer: Sue Hagmeier
Recording Secretary: Eric Swehla
Historian: Lynn Dorman



KC Hanson (MCDCC Chair, automatic)
Susan Silodor (MDCC Vice Chair, automatic)
Shirley Minor
Sue Hagmeier
Deb Whitcomb
Huma Pierce
Jenni Simonis

Women Alternates

1. Stephanaie Vardavas
2. Lorraine Van Hoe
3. Kathy Jackson
4. Sue Stinson
5. Mary Botkin
6. Lynn Dorman
7. Donna Munroe


Lew Frederick
Zach Johnson
Bing Wong
Mark Schwebke
Moshe Lenske
Blaine Palmer
Todd Barnhart
Men Alternates
Joe Smith
Jefferson Smith
Moses Ross
Leo Schuman
Lurelle Robbins
Gordon Hillesland
Jim Robison

election of SCC delegation chair is pending

1st CD Committee

Donna Munroe
Trudie Brooks*
Pete Munroe
Lurelle Robbins
Alt: Sandy Baker
5th CD Committee
Huma Pierce
Kathy Jackson*
Dave Jackson
Alt: (vacant)
* Indicates delegation Chair for County delegates to CD

3rd CD Committee**


Laura Calvo
Shirley Minor
Betsy Salter
Sue Hagmeier
Pam Arden
Sue Stinson
Stephanie Vardavas


Bing Wong
Eric Swehla
Joe Smith
Moshe Lenske
Mark Schwebke
Mike Mattingly
Tim Rowan


Gordon Hillesland
Lorraine Van Hoe
Norla Antinoro
**The election of the 3rd CD Chair will occur at the next CD meeting. If the Chair is a Multnomah County delegate, the CD Chair will also serve as Multnomah Delegation Chair

Friday, January 9, 2009

Annual Cesli Dinner is Coming!

We are planing tis event to be FUN FUN FUN...Come and join with us in this revelry....

Friday, February 20

2009 Annual Celsi Dinner

Melody Ballroom, 615 SE Alder Street, Portland


Join our speakers: John Kroger, Steve Novick, Karol Collymore, and Carl Wolfson of KPOJ radio. Plus, a special appearance of the Dems Femmes.

For more information on tickets, sponsorship opportunities and donations to the silent auction, please email Susan Silodor or phone her at 503-310-5253.

Tickets now available! Order online via this secure web page.

From Congressman Earl Blumenauer

A New President is Officially Chosen

I was determined to attend the official report of the Electoral College to the Joint Session of Congress, if only to balance the painful, surreal memories of Al Gore presiding over the tally that made his defeat official in 2000. It seemed at the time, and we now know it to be true, that absent the Supreme Court's unprecedented intervention, a full and fair count of the Florida ballots might well have yielded a different result and history would have been profoundly changed.

But that was then and this is now, as they say. There was a small measure of satisfaction watching Dick Cheney, as President of the Senate, preside over this session with his lopsided smile/smirk for the last time. Indeed, I almost said "festivities" because there was a special air about it.

Usually, this Joint Session is so lightly attended that the Floor Staff has to pack the Chamber with staff and pages to give the TV audience a full house – no pun intended. This time it wasn't necessary; Members had to search for places to sit as they watched history being made on so many different levels.

Senators Bob Bennett and Chuck Schumer and Representatives Robert Brady and Dan Lungren served as Tellers, the officials responsible for reporting the states' electoral tallies. Initially, the Yea's were bad for the Obama camp and the Democrats as McCain took Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, and Alaska. Then the tide shifted with a run of Blue States, punctuated by the announcement by Representative Lungren—a conservative Republican from California—of his state's 55 electoral votes for Obama. Soon the President-elect's tally rocketed ahead and I found myself mentally keeping track of his votes, trying to determine which state would officially put him over the magic 270 number. (It was New Jersey, with its 15 electoral votes, for those of you keeping track.)

The Tellers announced the results from their own state. Senator Bennett, from what he termed the "fast growing state of Utah", announced 5 electoral votes for McCain. Representative Brady from Pennsylvania and Senator Schumer from New York were positively giddy at the announcement of 31 more votes for Obama, adding an exclamation point behind the already-victorious tally.

There were moments of levity as Ohio produced a Certificate of Election about the size of Delaware. As the count wound down and Dick Cheney announced the results in his monotone drone, the Democratic side of the Chamber rose, clapping and cheering at the final tally: "Barack Obama: 365." The sustained applause even brought the Republican side of the Chamber slowly to its feet until everybody was clapping, creating a pulse of excitement throughout the Chamber.

As the losing tallies were read for John McCain and then for Sarah Palin (the Constitution requires separate tallies for President and Vice President), people again stood and cheered, although with exchanged looks that were hard to decipher. Just as Dick Cheney started to bring the Joint Session to a close, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had been sitting quietly next to him, suddenly sprang to her feet and led another eruption of applause in the Chamber, taking Cheney off guard and leaving him with an uncharacteristic look of uncertainty.

This dramatic and sometimes humorous session provided a bright note in a troubled time. After all, it was the last time we would have to endure Dick Cheney presiding over a Joint Session of Congress. As I left the Chamber, I felt optimistic and resolute. The next gathering of the US House and Senate would be to welcome our new President, Barack Obama. Finally, the ghost of the 2000 election receded a little further into the recesses of my memory.

Congressman Earl Blumenauer

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Come Have Fun Tonight

Sorry for lack of posts lately. Arctic blasts, frozen/burst pipes and shoveling snow off my roof took priority :D

Multnomah Democrats Central Committee Meeting/Election of Officers

Event Start: 01/08/2009 - 7:00pm
Event End: 01/08/2009 - 9:00pm

Social hour at 6 PM
Meeting begins at 7 PM

Hollywood Senior Center
1820 NE 40th Ave., Portland

This is our Organization Meeting, at which we elect officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Recording Secretary and Historian) to two-year terms. Elected Precinct Committee Persons vote.