Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's Next for Fun?

We never stop having fun. We have yet to "do" the Celsi dinner but we know it will be great fun - how can it not?

Full room of friends, great auction items, local and state pols, pals from Washington County, fun speakers and funnier auctioneers!

What do we do as an encore? We have a night to get together and watch President Obama give a speech - it's not a real state of the union as he's only been in office a short time - but it's the night that it would be the SOTU and he's giving a speech...

So we are getting together at Krakow Cafe on Tuesday, Feb. 24.

Here is Mark's announcement - he's planning on a fun event too!

The president's speech starts at 6 pm:
Party-goers can fortify themselves from the televised Republican response, by playing State of the Union "Bingo." After Obama's speech, revelers will get bingo cards to mark any time the GOP speaker refers to "health care," "education," "environment," "HIV-AID," or Haliburton."

First ones to scream "Bingo" win prizes.

Party from 5 pm to 9 pm. Krakow Cafe, 3990 N. Interstate Ave, 503-954-2200

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